Ok. So you got the racquet, just purchased strings (MAYAMI of course) and the stringer is asking you at what tension should he put them. BIG CONFUSION, PANIC and you askhim to make the decision for you.
How many times we have seen this on the tennis courts…
BUT NO MORE 😊 Let’s try to explain a bit of this magicbehind the string tensions and racquet combination.
Racquet types:
a) stiff racquets (RA between 66-72): stiff racquets areusually also light (around 300g). In order to add more comfortwe suggest stringing NO HIGHER than 23kg. Stifferracquets have more vibrations. Higher tensions have morevibrations. We don’t suggest double problem for your body 😊
b) soft racquets (RA between 55-65): here there are moreoptions between HEAVY (310-330g) and LIGHT (285-305g)weights.
c) HEAVY: perhaps you can string it tighter to get morecontrol ? (23-25 kg is our recommended)
d) LIGHT: perhaps you want to get more power to make the racquet more „alive” ? (20-23kg recommended)
keep in mind !
there are many combinations of weight distribution in yourracquet. It can be HEAVY yet headlight (315g-330g with balance from 30.5 cm to 31.5 cm), HEAVY and headheavy(310g-330g with balance from 32cm to 33cm), LIGHT andheadlight (285-310g with balance from 30.5 to 31.5cm), LIGHT yet headheavy (285g-310g with balance from 32cm to 33cm)
we underlined „yet” & „and” because your racquet’s weightdistribution can be pushing your racquet in one „style” direction or trying to find the perfect balance between pros and cons of a heavy/light racquet.
a) HEAVY yet headlight (usually very control orientedracquets but with slightly heavier feel for players that alreadyknow how to play tennis but want easier acceleration of theirheavier racquet) – this is very personal and depends on stiffness also but usually we would recommend somethingbetween 22-25kg.
player profile: Federer
b) HEAVY and headheavy (they feel very heavy and have a lot of power potential, very hard to accelerate, you prefer to redirect the incoming shot rather than take control over the exchange) – to get back some of the control we wouldrecommend to string it at 23-27kg.
player profile: Djokovic
c) LIGHT and headlight (usually very fast and „whippy” with low power potential – you like to hit with full speed and you demand good touch and command over the racquet, mainpower comes from your acceleration) - recommended tension20-23kg
player profile: Kyrgios
d) LIGHT yet headheavy (they feel faster than headheavyoptions but with more plow through, power and stability thanlight and headlight options) – this is very „in the middle” setup perfect for somebody that doesn’t yet know his weightdistribution preference. Good starting point. For this we recommend also our „in the middle” string recommendationwhich is 22-24kg
player profile: Sinner, Goffin
check your racquet ! Maybe you can find a recommendedtension there.
we can determine stiff and soft strings. There is maybe not somuch variance once you determine what racquet type youhave. Stiffer strings are less comfortable (not a good optionfor stiff racquet – double problem remember?)
1.stiffer strings can be strung at lower tensions to get morecomfort and more power
2.softer strings can be strung at higher tensions to get morecontrol but slightly less comfort
3.stiffer strings are more control oriented than soft strings
4. thicker strings are usually also stiffer (you can string looser)
5. thinner strings are usually also softer (you can string higher)
All Mayami strings are developed from soft to middle-stiffstyle. Your health is very important to us. At the same time we believe there is a perfect balance of comfortable string with highest rating in performance.
Reminder – Mayami strings from stiffest to softest :
Maymi Tour Hex, Mayami Magic Twist (very close), Mayami Hit Pro, Mayami Big Spin, Mayami Hepta Power
Now the real fun begins. It’s your job to find your perfectbalance but finally you know some basic rules behind tensionand racquet combination. It’s good to order few single sets of a same string and try different tensions to experience the differences.